Store Categories
Kids Soap
$10.99 $10.99
Vitamin B12
$10.99 $10.99
Activated Quercetin
$56.79 $56.79
PUR Mints
$19.99 $19.99

Wilma McFadden

2006 - East Coast Tournament of Champions - NPC - Figure B - 4th
2006 - East Coast Tournament of Champions - NPC - Figure Masters - 8th
2007 - East Coast Tournament of Champions - NPC - Figure Masters - 14th
2007 - East Coast Tournament of Champions - NPC - Figure B - 15th
2008 - East Coast Tournament of Champions - NPC - Masters 35+ - 3rd
2008 - East Coast Tournament of Champions - NPC - LightWeight - 2nd
2009 - Pro Natural American - WNBF - Bodybuilding - 7th
2009 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Masters 35+ - 2nd
2009 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Short - 2nd
2009 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Figure Masters Tall - 3rd
2009 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Figure 45+ - 3rd
2009 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Masters 45+ - 2nd
2009 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Figure Medium-Tall - 2nd
2010 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Figure 45+ - 2nd
2011 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Tall - 2nd
2011 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Masters 35+ - 2nd
2011 - Yorton Cup Nationals - OCB - Masters 45+ - 3rd